Creative strategy as crucial turbo on every design project
“Creative strategy is unnecessary!”. A classic misconception. Creative strategy is crucial. With every design project. Unfortunately, it is still often ignored. By companies but also by designers.
‘Skydiver in blue’ – Jonathan Francis
'Expensive', 'nonsense' and 'complicated'
Too cumbersome
Many companies say they can do (creative) strategy themselves. Or do not need it. 'All nonsense', 'expensive' and 'way too complicated'. Strategy would only be for big companies. And bigger projects. And also by designers, strategy is often dismissed as 'difficult'. Designers just want to make beautiful things, right?
A missed opportunity.
Strategy works. Also for smaller projects.
Return on investment
When hiring a (freelance) designer, things sometimes go 'wrong'. Not that the design isn't beautiful! Designers make things beautiful and often also make it work better, in the case of UX Designers.
But often it also misses 'something'. That "something" is the element that ensures that design delivers a good return on investment (ROI).
With strategy you discover that 'something', the missing element.
'But I just need a logo now'
Jumping straight into action
The customer usually knows a lot about their own company. Designers a lot of designs. The company hires a designer to… create designs. And sometimes steers in the wrong direction from the very first contact. Out of ignorance. Or convenience. "I just need a logo quickly." "It doesn't have to be that difficult, you know!". I've heard it many times.
Both the customer and the designer are responsible for this unhealthy situation.
Many designers immediately jump into the implementation. I did that in the past too. Get started quickly! The customer is in a hurry. In order to be able to send that invoice quickly afterwards. And on again to the next customer. The designer turns himself into a production company.
Not the consultant I believe a designer should be.
‘Mountainbiker’ – Alexandra Dech
Simple conversation
A logo is never the goal
A simple conversation can make all the difference. And being crucial for creative solutions later in the process. A creative strategy is just like any other strategy. A map. You consider which steps will take you to the goal. That goal often seems clear. A logo. Website. Or illustration. Those can indeed be goals. But in fact they are resources. To achieve a goal.
From here on, the conversation often gets really interesting. Because if a logo is not the goal. Then what?
A good designer keeps asking questions. Asks the "Why" questions. After each answer, another "Why" question is asked. Just like a small child. Until there is sufficient insight into the real problem.
Alternative route
I often see this process as stepping back on a route. With every 'Why?' question I take a big step back with the customer and look at the environment (the project) again. It regularly appears that the customer is better helped with an alternative route. Or an alternative solution.
I even experienced that together we came to the conclusion that the customer did not need a design at all at that moment. Or that the project was much smaller than first thought. “Wait, you talk a nice assignment out of customer’s head?”
Advice: don’t hire a designer at all
Advising to make the project smaller, or even advise not to hire a designer at all, seems bad for your company as a Freelance Designer. But compare it to some informal clothing advice. What helped the friend who asks for clothing advice the most? Agree to whatever she puts on? So that the friend buys clothes that don't do her justice? Or be honest? As a friend (the creative service provider), you probably always want to help your friend (the customer).
With honest advice.
As a consultant, as a professional, you want to be respected for your advice. Positive and negative advice. Trust is the key to friendship. And business.
Only after determining the right steps, after determining the strategy, designers are able to do what they do best; design beautiful solutions.
Creative processes become many times more efficient with strategy
Strategy always works
It is not a complicated additional phase before the implementation can start. Nor expensive, if you could compare the end result with and without strategy.
Creative strategy works because it looks at the real need, and it makes the creative process many times more efficient.
Business hurdle
Problem > challenge
Creative strategy ensures that design helps to solve a business problem. "Problem" might not be the right word. "Challenge" fits better. Or “hurdle.” And isn't that the real reason why companies hire designers? To help overcome a business hurdle?
Preventing future problems
Hidden under all kinds of reasons
That real need, that business challenge (or hurdle), is often hidden. Among all sorts of other factors. Lack of time, lack of motivation and lack of knowledge. In other words, everyone is in a hurry, doesn't feel like delving deeper into it or actually has no idea of the positive influence that strategy could have.
In addition, many designers only look for solutions to design problems. And business strategists look for solutions to business challenges.
While a simple set of three 'Why' questions can help enormously!
A turbo on the design process
Tailwind in the right direction
I see strategy as a turbo on the design process. It gives design a big tailwind. And in the right direction too.
A simple conversation can already be a useful start of the 'strategy' determining process.
Like laying a concrete floor, as a foundation under a house, costs extra money, creative strategy takes time and energy, creativity and brainpower. And they are rarely free. But that foundation, the strategy, ensures that all kinds of problems are prevented in the future.
It makes the brand strong. So it doesn’t get blown over by the first storm. When expanding or building the brand in the future, in fact with all creative choices, the answer can be found in the strategy. With strategy, the hard work, the thinking, is already done. Now, only the execution still needs it’s fair bit of attention.
Need help with your Brand, Creative or Visual Strategy?
I love to help making things clear and structured.