Freelance Logo & Brand Identity Designer Michiel Nagtegaal

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O'Neill Global Webshop – UX/UI Design

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O'Neill's international webshop needed a redesign. I was approached by Jerome Orlemans from BizzMagic. When asked what I could do for O'Neill as a Freelance UX/UI Designer, improving the e-commerce activities of the iconic surf and snowboard brand.

Total redesign
When I spoke to Jerome, a redesign of the O'Neill webshop had just gone live and he saw 'opportunities for improving the customer journey' within the current webshop. In the end, the entire webshop was redesigned by us.

BizzMagic Online Marketing
BizzMagic offered practical (online) marketing expertise. The company consists of experienced interim professionals with a proven track record in marketing, CRM and sales. New strategies and concepts have been successfully implemented at several renowned companies.

Art direction: more visual, wider and tougher

Better use of existing photography

For photoshoots with their surf and snowboard clothing, O'Neill made grateful use of well-known (extreme sports) athletes in the past. That special photography was hardly to be found in the old webshop. While it flawlessly reflects the market position of the brand. My design of the new webshop made better use of these images. The images made the design of the web pages much more visual and less technical and functional.

In addition to Visual Design, I also improved UX Design

Responsive grid
Part of the re-design challenge was that the interface was not responsive. That is why I introduced a responsive grid. The web pages were rendered better on a variety of devices other than just desktops. In addition to a thorough visual re-styling, the most important customer journeys and order flows of O'Neill have also been redesigned with a view to improving conversion.

Need help with your UX/UI Design?

Feel free to contact me! I'd love to help you with your UX/UI Design.

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