Freelance Logo & Brand Identity Designer Michiel Nagtegaal

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What does Brand Identity Design cost?

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How much is a new logo or Brand Identity Design worth to you? The value of a new design largely depends on how important you believe that new design is. Just like with clothes, cars and holidays. A pair of jeans, or a bottle of champagne, that costs 300 euros may not be expensive to you. But it might be for someone else.

Price is determined by three things

The price of designing a Brand Identity is determined by three things:

  • Value

  • Risk

  • Return on investment

1. Value

What is the value of good design to you?
A Brand Identity Design that costs 300,- may be experienced as expensive for one company. For others, the new Brand Identity is far more important. And for them the 300,- logo design offer might even suspect an unprofessional or at least an unsatisfactory result.

The value of a logo, corporate identity or website is therefore always determined by you, the customer.

“How important do you think your logo, corporate identity or website is to your business?”

2. Risk

What are the costs of bad design?
In addition to value, the price of a Brand Identity Design also depends on lowering or mitigating the risk. Bad design causes much bigger problems at a large company, i.e. Coca Cola or Shell. For that cute little bakery on the corner, fixing a packaging error is much easier and therefor much cheaper than it is for Coca Cola.

Imagine the costs for Coca Cola calling back millions of bottles because of a mistake in the design. Once implemented, it is extremely expensive for Shell to make even little changes to brand expressions. It has to be right from the start.

Big companies are happy to pay ‘a little more’, to be absolutely sure there have been made no mistakes in strategy, design or execution. They pay more for less risk. Just like you are happy to pay the medical expert, who is treating your serious illness, a little more.

There is a relevant popular saying:

“If you think it’s expensive to hire a professional, wait until you hire an amateur.”

The same goes for you. If you are looking to spend money on designing your Brand Identity, you are looking for signs. Signs that you spend money on a trustworthy expert, a specialist. Because how your company looks and feels in the eyes of your customers depends on it.

It is all about trustworthiness.

3. Return on investment

Don’t convince clients anymore
Well thought-out branding sells a product easier and faster. If you know exactly who you are and who you sell to, you are able to fully tailor your message to your ideal client. If your branding is done right, customers see you in the market and reach out to you. Instead of the other way around. You don’t have to convince clients anymore.

Know how to address potential clients
Take a look, for example, at Chanel No. 5. Basically nothing more than a liquid with a scent. But customers don't buy the liquid. In fact, they don't even buy the fragrance. They buy for themselves, or others, the indulgence and social status associated with Chanel. They buy a part of who they want to be and how they like to be seen.

They buy happiness.

Without branding and marketing emphasising these underlying reasons to buy, the product will sell less well. If at all. A good Brand Identity and Brand Strategy makes money. It’s an investment in sales and profit.

A good Brand Identity Designer advises on how the investment in design not only costs money, but also yields returns.

Porsche or Fiat?

Custom made
Your logo and corporate identity design are custom made. Always.

How can a designer, who works with a fixed or standard price for a logo or corporate identity, ever deliver custom results? The work is always unique and never the same. Because the customers are unique and never the same. Sometimes it takes longer to arrive at a certain result. Sometimes it takes less.

A Brand Identity Design is never a commodity. Because your company is not a commodity, it’s special.

Starting price
A designer can have a starting price, though. After all, you normally don't buy a Porsche for the price of a Fiat.

Does your logo has to communicate the brute force of a Porsche or is a Fiat more than enough?

Average project prices

I don’t charge hourly rates


  • With hourly rates a slow designer is actually more expensive with the same hourly rate than a fast and efficient designer.

  • With hourly rates, if the designer makes a mistake you pay more. If you don’t like the design delivered, you pay more. The risk of mistakes or low quality work should never be on the client.

  • With hourly rates, how will you know if all the hours the designer says he/she spent, are actually done designing for your firm?

You (almost) never buy a designers time. You buy results.

I’d love to hear from you.

And I'm happy to help! Let me know what you are thinking of.

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